I think this is an example of a party politically "throwing the football" to where the wide receiver is going rather than whether than where he currently is, through cultural messaging. Republican politicians have realized that young, single, liberal women are vehemently ideologically opposed to the Republican party (similar to the vehemence with which black voters by and large despised the party prior to 2016) and are flat out unpersuadable for a generation after the Dobbs decision and the rise of TikTok.

The Republican party elite likely feel they therefore have no choice but to pursue young Gen Z men with equal vigor to counteract the young college-educated women vote, even if this might offend some moderate or independent middle aged people in the process. For every moderate woman in the suburbs offended by Trump's stance towards Taylor Swift there may be three young Gen Z men who are happy that Taylor finally gets a brushback pitch after being promoted endlessly by the media for the last two years. The moderate suburban woman was already going to vote against Trump anyway. The Gen Z men likely would not have voted at all but now might consider doing so. Therefore, even though opposing Taylor Swift may be unpopular in the aggregate, it may have a positive marginal vote effect for Trump.

Our politics is quickly devolving into a raw head count game where comparative mobilization and voting rule manipulation by both sides is more powerful and important than policy coherence or persuasion.

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What's the racial breakout of the gender divide? That's a lot more important than the overall number, tho frankly a 3 point advantage with men is apocalyptic for a national GOP candidate

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