Thanks for the honesty here. I am a Jesus-follower and probably fit into the evangelical circles, although I stopped using that term to describe myself in 2016. I have friends both within the church and outside the church. One of my hopes is less polarization in our society, along with a separation of church and politics. I also hope for more churches where women are honored, affirmed, respected and safe. I'm curious to hear more of Sarah's journey, even though we're in different places.

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While I'm technically an ex Catholic, my Substack this week describes how exvangelical is probably closer to my experience, as my parents were a flavor of tradcath that was very close to white evangelicalism. I can confirm the ongoing suspicion with morality systems, be they in religion or politics.

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I think "NPR reporter" screams the real unspoken issue. She is a Leftist/Marxist like virtually all NPR reporters. And Marxism is not compatible with orthodox Christianity.

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