Perhaps black men are more alert to hear the beating of war drums . Biden is a traditional hawk and Trump gets mileage speaking against endless wars . These black men may not want to send the young to battle . The Biden campaign should talk about the Trump plan to send troops to battle the drug cartels in Mexico and other Latin countries .

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This is clearly BS. It makes zero sense. When presented with polls that are non-sensical, it is the rational thing to question the data itself. How was the polls done? Can we see the raw data? Can we see the demographic 'corrections' and skewing parameters? Who controls the polls?

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>Leah Wright Rigueur suggests that one reason black women have remained loyal to the Democratic Party is their belief that their lives are inextricably intertwined with those of other black women

Talk about not being honest enough to state the truth. Black women have TWICE the purchasing power of Black men for a reason: Affirmative Discrimination. Businesses are forced to hire women and non-Whites, so they prefer to hire Black women, who are easier to deal with than a lot of the Black men. Crime statistics alone suffice to show that the latter group is completely unique, not just in the U.S. but in every other country. So Black women get hired, and they know it's because of leftist policies favoring them, taking the jobs from better qualified Whites who are discriminated against because of their race.

Black women will always vote for the party that gives them the loot in exchange for their votes. It's the typical socialist system for exploiting elections.

Black men also benefit from that system, but with less jobs going to them this way it's less obvious. They also see that the Left has started obsessing about homosexuals and transvestites even more than they obsess about Blacks. It's in every context now. And while Black men have the highest percentage of homosexuals aside from Jews - among which 10% said they were homosexuals even decades ago, but probably more because of an ideological anti-normal-America attitude - they don't share the huge ideological fantasies built on homosexuality. When Black men - a minority of them - turn to homosexual act it's more about the instinct to hump anything that moves, not because they want homosexuality as an ideological attack on normal society. Not for most of them anyway.

The fanatical homo/transvestite push in the Democrats today is enough even to turn away entire nations. Just look at Africans increasingly aligning themselves with China and Russia, as they don't demand that homosexuality be legalized and promoted. (On the other hand, they don't hand out free money and provide free doctors either, so it will never be a total realignment.) No wonder that it also affects voter groups in the West.

I am reminded of 1984, where there is a character with round glasses who believes in any Party lie out of an ideological conviction. You SHOULD make yourself believe. That's the White or Jewish fanatic in the Democrat party today. Whereas most other voters are more like the man who believes in the Party because that's what he grew up with and was told to do, but ultimately his own children turn him in. That character is like the other Democrats, including most Black men.

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The narrative about black male voters in 2020 has been misleading. See this piece for more info.


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I suspect part of this is that single women as a whole are AWFL politically, not just the Affluent White Female Liberals.

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Is there any data that links economic change to this change? Do people get less Democrat the wealthier they get?

There’s always been a dissonance between people’s views of Republicans as anti-immigrant and racist, and the fact that a lot of the Hispanic population votes Republican.

Is there any data that supports a trend of increased economic success with decreased support for the Democratic Party?

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Apparently the right-wing disinformation Fox rage propaganda is working… bizarre anybody of color, any minority, any woman, any scientist, doctor, educator, or real American would vote for such a hateful Nazi white supremacist confederate proud boys oath keepers traitor insurrectionist Big Lie conspiracy pusher blackmailer and extortionist party who all had to take the fifth and make plea deals to stay out of prison in the Trump administration, Peter Navarro is now in jail, and many Trump alocytes soon to follow I hope.

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